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- This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by
01/07/2022 at 9:19 AM #184798
Bonjour Pourriez vous traduire ce code de déséquilibre de marché Cordialement
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at © Travelling_Trader//@version=5indicator('Imbalance Finder', overlay=true, max_lines_count=500)color yellow0 =,0)color gray0 =,0)bool showgreydiamond = input(defval=false, title='Show Diamond For Back Testing' ,group='=== Information ===')Imbcol = input.color(yellow0, 'Imbalance Colour', inline="1" ,group='=== Information ===')Dimcol = input.color(gray0, 'Imbalance Colour', inline="1" ,group='=== Information ===')TopImbalance = low[2] <= open[1] and high[0] >= close[1]TopImbalancesize = low[2] - high[0]if TopImbalance and TopImbalancesize > 0BOX1 =[1], top=low[2], right=bar_index[0], bottom=high[0])box.set_bgcolor(BOX1, Imbcol )box.set_border_color(BOX1, Imbcol )BottomInbalance = high[2] >= open[1] and low[0] <= close[1] Bonjour Pourriez vous traduire ce code de déséquilibre de marché Cordialement BottomInbalancesize = low[0] - high[2] if BottomInbalance and BottomInbalancesize > 0BOX2 =[1], top=low[0], right=bar_index[0], bottom=high[2])box.set_bgcolor(BOX2, Imbcol )box.set_border_color(BOX2, Imbcol )DownImbalance = TopImbalance and TopImbalancesize > 0plotshape(DownImbalance[0] and showgreydiamond, style=shape.diamond, location=location.abovebar, color=Dimcol, size=size.tiny)UpImbalance = BottomInbalance and BottomInbalancesize > 0plotshape(UpImbalance[0] and showgreydiamond, style=shape.diamond, location=location.belowbar, color=Dimcol, size=size.tiny)01/14/2022 at 9:09 AM #18540301/14/2022 at 9:18 AM #185404Ci-joint la traduction du code imbalance :
12345678910111213TopImbalance = low[2] <= open[1] and high[0] >= close[1]TopImbalancesize = low[2] - high[0]if TopImbalance and TopImbalancesize > 0 thendrawcandle(low[2], low[2], high[0], high[0]) coloured(255,255,0)endifBottomInbalance = high[2] >= open[1] and low[0] <= close[1]BottomInbalancesize = low[0] - high[2]if BottomInbalance and BottomInbalancesize > 0 thendrawcandle(low[0], low[0], high[2], high[2]) coloured(255,255,0)endifreturn1 user thanked author for this post.
01/14/2022 at 10:49 AM #185434Merci beaucoup nicolas!
01/15/2022 at 12:54 PM #185557Ci-joint la traduction du code imbalance :
12345678910111213TopImbalance = low[2] <= open[1] and high[0] >= close[1]TopImbalancesize = low[2] – high[0]if TopImbalance and TopImbalancesize > 0 thendrawcandle(low[2], low[2], high[0], high[0]) coloured(255,255,0)endifBottomInbalance = high[2] >= open[1] and low[0] <= close[1]BottomInbalancesize = low[0] – high[2]if BottomInbalance and BottomInbalancesize > 0 thendrawcandle(low[0], low[0], high[2], high[2]) coloured(255,255,0)endifreturnJ’aurai une question pour cet indicateur:est-il possible de prolonger la bougie jaune, pour que ça devienne une zone qui se dessine a droite sur le graphique, et quand le prix traverse cette zone, la zone s’arrête ?
Ce serait vraiment top
Merci par avance
04/17/2023 at 11:01 AM #213396J’ai essayé de tracer des segments à partir des bougies mais je n’arrive toujours pas à faire une coloration entre les deuw segments, peut être quelqu’un pourrait nous aider avec ça ou bien même tracer un Drawrectangle à la place?
123456789101112131415161718192021// = low[2] <= open[1] and high[0] >= close[1]TopImbalancesize = low[2] - high[0]if TopImbalance and TopImbalancesize > 0 thendrawcandle(low[2], low[2], high[0], high[0]) coloured(255,255,0)DrawSegment(BarIndex[2],low[2],BarIndex + 10,low[2]) coloured(5,5,0)DrawSegment(BarIndex[2],high[0],BarIndex + 10,high[0]) coloured(5,5,0)endifBottomInbalance = high[2] >= open[1] and low[0] <= close[1]BottomInbalancesize = low[0] - high[2]if BottomInbalance and BottomInbalancesize > 0 thendrawcandle(low[0], low[0], high[2], high[2]) coloured(255,255,0)DrawSegment(BarIndex[2],high[2],BarIndex + 10,high[2]) coloured(0,0,255)DrawSegment(BarIndex[2],low[0],BarIndex + 10,low[0]) coloured(0,0,255)endifreturn//COLORBETWEEN(open,close,"RED")04/19/2023 at 3:37 PM #213520voir ton autre sujet et la réponse apportée:
05/03/2023 at 9:05 AM #21403505/03/2023 at 9:16 AM #214038Bonjour,
c’est parce que d’après la capture écran, le code semble être essayé dans une fenêtre proscreener (qui n’accepte pas les instructions graphiques telles que drawcandle) au lieu d’une fenêtre probuilder pour indicateurs. Il faut cliquer sur le bouton “indicateurs” pour y obtenir la bonne fenêtre.
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