traduzione codice TW Median Proximity Percentile

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  • #237486



    vorrei chiedere cortese traduzione di questo codice, che sono curioso di testare.

    Grazie come sempre per l’aiuto.

    // This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
    // © AlgoAlpha

    indicator(“Median Proximity Percentile [AlgoAlpha]”, “AlgoAlpha – % Median Proximity Percentile”, overlay = false, timeframe = “”, timeframe_gaps = false)

    // Inputs
    priceSource = input.source(close, “Source”)
    lookbackLength =, minval = 1, title = “Lookback Length”)
    emaLookbackLength =, minval = 1, title = “HMA Lookback Length”)
    stdDevMultiplier = 1
    noise = input.bool(true, “Noise Scatterplot”)
    colorUp = input.color(#00ffbb, title = “Up Color”)
    colorDown = input.color(#ff1100, title = “Down Color”)

    // Calculations
    medianValue = ta.median(priceSource, lookbackLength)
    priceDeviation = (priceSource – medianValue)
    standardDeviation = ta.stdev(priceDeviation, 45)
    normalizedValue = priceDeviation / (standardDeviation + standardDeviation)

    positiveValues = normalizedValue > 0 ? normalizedValue : 0
    negativeValues = normalizedValue < 0 ? normalizedValue : 0

    upperBoundary = ta.ema(positiveValues, lookbackLength) + ta.stdev(positiveValues, lookbackLength) * stdDevMultiplier
    lowerBoundary = ta.ema(negativeValues, lookbackLength) – ta.stdev(negativeValues, lookbackLength) * stdDevMultiplier

    percentileValue = 100 * (normalizedValue – lowerBoundary)/(upperBoundary – lowerBoundary) – 50

    emaValue = ta.hma(percentileValue, emaLookbackLength)

    // Color Conditions
    plotColor = percentileValue > 0 ? colorUp :
    percentileValue < 0 ? colorDown : na

    // Plots
    plot(noise ? percentileValue : na, color =, 50), style = plot.style_circles)
    hmaPlot = plot(emaValue, color = > emaValue[1] ? colorUp : colorDown, 40), title = “Hull MA”)
    hmaPlot1 = plot(emaValue[1], color = > emaValue[1] ? colorUp : colorDown, 40))
    zeroLine = plot(0, color = color.gray, title = “Zero Line”)
    plotchar(ta.crossover(emaValue,emaValue[1]) ? emaValue : na, “Bullish Swing”, char = “o”, location = location.absolute, color = colorUp, size = size.tiny)
    plotchar(ta.crossover(emaValue[1],emaValue) ? emaValue : na, “Bearish Swing”, char = “o”, location = location.absolute, color = colorDown, size = size.tiny)
    plotchar(ta.crossunder(emaValue,emaValue[1]) and emaValue[1] > 90 ? 160 : na, “Bearish Reversal”, char = “▼”, location = location.absolute, color = colorDown, size = size.tiny)
    plotchar(ta.crossunder(emaValue[1],emaValue) and emaValue[1] < -90 ? -160 : na, “Bullish Reversal”, char = “▲”, location = location.absolute, color = colorUp, size = size.tiny)

    // Hidden Levels
    maxLevelPlot = plot(150, display = display.none)
    minLevelPlot = plot(-150, display = display.none)
    upperMidLevelPlot = plot(90, display = display.none)
    lowerMidLevelPlot = plot(-90, display = display.none)

    // Fills
    fill(maxLevelPlot, upperMidLevelPlot, top_value = 150, bottom_value = 90, top_color =, 50), bottom_color =, 90))
    fill(minLevelPlot, lowerMidLevelPlot, top_value = -90, bottom_value = -150, top_color =, 90), bottom_color =, 50))
    fill(hmaPlot, hmaPlot1, > emaValue[1] ? colorUp : colorDown, 40))

    // Alerts
    alertcondition(ta.crossover(emaValue, 0), “Bullish Trend Shift”, “Median Proximity Percentile Crossover Zero Line”)
    alertcondition(ta.crossunder(emaValue, 0), “Bearish Trend Shift”, “Median Proximity Percentile Crossunder Zero Line”)
    alertcondition(ta.crossover(emaValue,emaValue[1]), “Bullish Swing”, “Median Proximity Percentile Swinging Upwards”)
    alertcondition(ta.crossover(emaValue[1],emaValue), “Bearish Swing”, “Median Proximity Percentile Swinging Downwards”)
    alertcondition(ta.crossunder(emaValue,emaValue[1]) and emaValue[1] > 90, “Bearish Reversal”, “Median Proximity Percentile Bearish Reversal”)
    alertcondition(ta.crossunder(emaValue[1],emaValue) and emaValue[1] < -90, “Bullish Reversal”, “Median Proximity Percentile Bullish Reversal”)


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    Grazie e mille!!!

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