(english) Watch the 14 training videos for programming with ProRealTime

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  • #233912

    I’m an experienced programmer, should I still start from the beginning  of the course?


    Well… being an experienced programmer will spare you much time to get used to the programming logic; as to instructions you only have to know the few ones supported, which are a subset of the BASIC language, namely:

    • FOR…NEXT and WHILE…WEND loops
    • IF…END (ELSE and ELSIF included)
    • CALL (for custom indicators)

    plus those needed to deal with orders, namely:

    • BUY and SELL (enter and exit a LONG order)
    • SELLSHORT and EXITSHORT (to enter and exit a SHORT trade)
    • SET STOP…  (to set SL and trailng stop)
    • SET TARGET… (to set TP)

    then you will have to learn many system constants, such as OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE, STRATEGPROFIT, TRADEPRICE etc… but many of them are intuitive and you will learn them faster the more you code.

    In addition there are many MATH, GRAPHICAL instructions and INDICATORS.

    Multiple time frames can be used within your code (Multi Time Frame support, MTF).

    You will find them at https://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtime-documentation/, with PDF manuals at https://www.prorealtime.com/en/help-manual/probuilder-custom-indicators.

    The only data type supported is the generic NUMERIC type both for variables and Arrays, where you can store either 0, 1 or 24658690030, either positive or negative.

    Functions are rumored to be supported within a few months, in the meanwhile they can be somewhat simulated using indicators via the instruction CALL.

    Of course videos can be beneficial, there are some here in ProRealCode, in the PRT website and the YouTube ProRealTime channel.

    Have fun 🙂



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