Transaction Volume Indicator
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- This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by
12/06/2020 at 11:19 PM #15277412345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879808182838485868788899091////=/===============/=//=/===============/=//=/ Nervosité//defparam drawonlastbaronly = true////=/===============/=//=/===============/=//=/ Minute signal////=/ signal chaque minutessignal = 0//=//if openminute > openminute[1] thensignal = 1endif//=//if signal[1] = 1 thensignal = 0endif////=/===============/=//=/===============/=//=/ Decompte de l'espace minute////=/ Decompteho = 1if signal = 0 thenho = ho[1] + 1endif//=//if ho < ho[1]-1 thenha = ho[ho]endif//=//if ha < ho thenha = hoendif////=/===============/=//=/===============/=//=/ Moyenne des pics de transaction////=/ Moyenne des transactionMxT = average[95000](ha)drawhline(MxT) coloured (R,G,B)////=/===============/=//=/===============/=//=/ Coloration//if ha => Mxt thenR = 0G = 153B = 255//=//elsif ha < MxT thenR = 102G = 102B = 102endif////=/===============/=//=/===============/=//=/ Visuel////=/ Rectangleif ha => MxT thendrawrectangle(barindex[95000],MxT,barindex,0) coloured(0,153,255,100) bordercolor(0,0,0,0)//=//elsif ha < MxT thendrawrectangle(barindex[95000],MxT,barindex,0) coloured(199,19,19,100) bordercolor(0,0,0,0)endif////=/===============/=//=/===============/=//=/ end//return ha coloured (R,G,B) as "Transaction"12/06/2020 at 11:45 PM #152785
Note that this indicator is more useful for scalping than for day trading, even useless beyond 1 minute.
The idea is based on the number of short-term speakers and therefore, the nervousness of the short term.
Increasing the transaction unit of the calculation and changing the parameters of the indicator could be useful for day trading.
12/06/2020 at 11:47 PM #152786Use the indicator on 1 Tick with 200K of data.
12/07/2020 at 2:28 PM #15287512/09/2020 at 2:49 AM #153030Hello,
If you wish to make an encoding request, you can also ask Nicolas, founder of the site and professional encoder!
You can also make a request on the forum 😉
01/26/2021 at 8:12 AM #159441Update with patch and faster calculation speed, the indicator is still displayed in the time unit 1 tick, but you can choose the amount of history you want.
Also works on the time unit 1 volume!
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142////=/ = = = = = Paramettre de Base//defparam drawonlastbaronly = truedrawcandle(-1,0,-1,0) coloured(0,0,0,0)////=/ = = = = = Signal Minute//SxM = 0if (minute > minute[1]) thenSxM = 1endif//=//if hour > hour[1] thenSxM = 2endif//=//if SxM[1] = 1 or SxM[1] = 2 thenSxM = 0endif//=//RxM = 1if SxM = 0 thenRxM = RxM[1] +1endif//=//if SxM = 1 or SxM = 2 thenMxM = RxM[RxM]endif//=//if MxM < RxM thenMxM = RxMendif////=/ = = = = = Fin//return RxM coloured(0,150,255,100) style(line,1) as "RxM", MxM coloured(0,150,255) style(line,2) as "MxM", 0 coloured(102,102,102) style (line,2) as "0"1 user thanked author for this post.
01/27/2021 at 6:05 AM #159544New fix, the last one gives a bug every new hour
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546////=/ = = = = = Paramettre de Base//defparam drawonlastbaronly = truedrawcandle(0,200,0,200) coloured(0,0,0,0)////=/ = = = = = Signal Minute//SxM = 0if (openminute > openminute[1]) thenSxM = 1endif//=//if openhour > openhour[1] thenSxM = 2endif//=//if SxM[1] = 1 thenSxM = 0endif//=//if SxM[1] = 2 thenSxM = 0endif//=//RxM = 1if SxM = 0 thenRxM = RxM[1] +1endif//=//if SxM = 1 or SxM = 2 thenMxM = RxM[RxM]endif//=//if MxM < RxM thenMxM = RxMendif////=/ = = = = = Fin//return RxM coloured(0,150,255,100) style(line,1) as "RxM", MxM coloured(0,150,255) style(line,2) as "MxM", 0 coloured(102,102,102) style (line,2) as "0"09/06/2022 at 1:11 PM #200243Thanks for sharing this code. Do you know ho we can adapt it for 3000 Ticks or 5 min?
Thanks a lot!
11/04/2022 at 11:56 PM #203571 -
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