Translate indicators please.

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Translate indicators please.

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  • #203557



    I would like to translate this indicator code(s) into prorealtime language.



    // @author Jadbrother modified by gero modified by ChaosTrader63



    // @BGColor mod by goku972

    study(title = “RCI 3 Lines”, shorttitle = “RCI3lines+BG”)

    itvs = input(9, “short interval”)

    itvm = input(26, “middle interval”)

    itvl = input(52, “long interval”)

    lengthSlope = input(1)

    src = input(close, “source”)

    upperband=input(title=”High line[%]”,defval=80,type=integer)

    lowerband=input(title=”Low line[%]”,defval=-80,type=integer)

    middleband=input(title=”Middle line[%]”,defval=-0,type=integer)

    ord(seq, idx, itv) =>

    p = seq[idx]

    o = 1

    s = 0

    for i = 0 to itv – 1

    if p < seq[i]

    o := o + 1


    if p == seq[i]

    s := s+1



    d(itv) =>

    sum = 0.0

    for i = 0 to itv – 1

    sum := sum + pow((i + 1) – ord(src, i, itv), 2)


    rci(itv) => (1.0 – 6.0 * d(itv) / (itv * (itv * itv – 1.0))) * 100.0




    plot(rci(itvs), title = “RCI short”, color = red)

    plot(rci(itvm), title = “RCI middle”, color = blue)

    plot(rci(itvl), title = “RCI long”, color = green)

    //BG Color by RCI Long Line

    //bgcolor(falling(rci(itvl), lengthSlope) ? maroon : (rising(rci(itvl), lengthSlope) ? green : black), transp=70)

    //BG Color by RCI Middle Line

    //bgcolor(falling(rci(itvm), lengthSlope) ? maroon : (rising(rci(itvm), lengthSlope) ? green : black), transp=70)

    //BG Color by RCI Short Line

    bgcolor(falling(rci(itvs), lengthSlope) ? maroon : (rising(rci(itvs), lengthSlope) ? green : black), transp=70)










    // @author Jadbrother modified by gero, optimized by yuza



    study(title = “RCI3lines optimized”, shorttitle = “RCI3lines opt”)

    itvs = input(9, “short interval”)

    itvm = input(26, “middle interval”)

    itvl = input(52, “long interval”)

    src = input(close, “source”)

    res = input(9, “resolution”, minval=9)

    upperband=input(title=”High line[%]”,defval=80,type=integer)

    lowerband=input(title=”Low line[%]”,defval=-80,type=integer)

    dmul = 600 / res / (res*res-1)

    ord(seq, idx, itv) =>

    p = seq[idx]

    o = 0.5

    for i = 0 to res-1

    d = (p – seq[i*itv])

    o := o + ((d<0) ? 1 : ((d==0) ? 0.5 : 0))


    d(itv) =>

    sum = 0.0

    step = itv/res

    for i = 0 to res-1

    x = (i + 1) – ord(src, i*step, step)

    sum := sum + x*x


    rci(itv) => sma(100.0 – dmul * d(itv), ceil(itv/res))



    plot(rci(itvs), title = “RCI short”, color = red)

    plot(rci(itvm), title = “RCI middle”, color = blue)

    plot(rci(itvl), title = “RCI long”, color = green)








    Please post description and screenshots, thank you.


    “Please post description and screenshots, thank you.” = please copy paste description and add pictures in our website. I can help for sure, but please lend an hand first! 😉



    Hi there,

    I’m also interested in that indicator, I think it is quite interesting. I’m sorry the guy who opened this post didn’t have better manners.

    I attach you a screenshot of the indicator, if you need something else let me know.


    Thank you,




    I have found this code through the web too, not sure if it can be useful to you:



    I believe this is the same indicator as RCI but with 3 different periods, please see available codes here:



    Thank you Nicolas, that’s exactly what I was looking for, really appreciate it.

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