ultra trend indicator conversion from mq4 to prt

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support ultra trend indicator conversion from mq4 to prt

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  • #138785

    This indicator gives great signals please somebody can transform this code to PRT CODE format. it will be useful for me and many trader here


    Sorry but that code is a decompiled one and makes it far too complex to understand to be properly translated.


    thanks for trying to help sir, but i couldn’t find the original file maybe i will keep looking for that file


    I have found this, it should be the original source file.



    wow, thanks for your selfless help for finding the this file,i think really it would help many traders, and sir any suggestion on indicator for finding trend strength that is possible continuation or reverssal


    ok Roberto but can you translate in prorealtime ???


    No, I can’t.


    hello, mr.robertogozzi found this indicator ,that you asked for, in my suggestion  jurik ma is used, can it be coded using hma or other ma’s for better usage


    Bonjour Roberto meilleurs voeux pour 2024

    Avec toutes les nouveautés et progrès qu’il y a eu depuis ce temps .Peux-tu maintenant traduire ce code  ?

    sinon  existe t il un indicateur similaire??

    Hello Roberto best wishes for 2024 With all the new features and progress that has happened since then. Can you now translate this code? if not is there a similar indicator?



    Only post in the language of the forum that you are posting in. For example English only in the English speaking forums and French only in the French speaking forums. Thanks 🙂

    Sorry, I still cannot and I don’t plan to study that language in the future.



    Maybe as a starting point for a helping coder…


    Everything I read on this subject was written in French so I continued without my language.
    There must have been an automatic translation that I didn’t see?

    Thank JS

    May be someone will be apple to continue your work


    No, translation needs to be activated, it’s not automatically enabled.


    This is an aprox from the original code. I took jurik MA @JS in order to make the code faster.


    hi Guys if you can convert the Tradingview code below for pro real time please

    // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
    // © ClayeWeight

    indicator(“Market Structure RSI”)

    rsiLength = input.int(20, “RSI Length”, minval = 1, group=”Market Structure RSI”)
    OBlvl = input.int(80, “Overbought Level”, minval = 1, maxval=100, group=”Market Structure RSI”)
    OSlvl = input.int(20, “Oversold Level”, minval = 1, maxval=100, group=”Market Structure RSI”)

    strCloseType = input.string(“High/Low”, “Close Type”, [“Close”, “High/Low”], tooltip=”Choose whether the structure is deemed broken with either a Close or the Candle High/Low”, group=”Market Structure RSI”)
    closeTypeBull = strCloseType == “Close” ? close[1] : high[1]
    closeTypeBear = strCloseType == “Close” ? close[1] : low[1]

    maBool = input.bool(true, “Show Moving Average”, group=”Moving Average”)
    maSelection = input.string(“EMA”, “MA Type”, [“EMA”, “SMA”, “WMA”], group=”Moving Average”)
    maLength = input.int(8, “MA Length”, minval = 1, group=”Moving Average”)

    // Get Pivots
    pH = high[3] < high[2] and high[2] > high[1]
    pL = low[3] > low[2] and low[2] < low[1]

    var highPrice = array.new_float()
    var lowPrice = array.new_float()
    var count = array.new_int()

    if pH
    if pL

    add_to_total(dir, priceArray, countArray, closeType, add) =>
    if array.size(priceArray) > 0
    for l = array.size(priceArray)-1 to 0
    if (dir == 1 and closeType > array.get(priceArray, l)) or (dir == 0 and closeType < array.get(priceArray, l))
    array.remove(priceArray, l)
    array.push(countArray, add)

    add_to_total(1, highPrice, count, closeTypeBull, 1)
    add_to_total(0, lowPrice, count, closeTypeBear, -1)


    // Get Total
    total = array.sum(count)
    rsiTotal = ta.rsi(total, rsiLength)

    float rsmMATotal = switch maSelection
    “EMA” => ta.ema(rsiTotal, maLength)
    “SMA” => ta.sma(rsiTotal, maLength)
    “WMA” => ta.wma(rsiTotal, maLength)

    // Plot RSI
    rsiPlot = plot(rsiTotal, color=na, linewidth = 2, title= “RSI Line”, editable = false)
    plot(maBool ? rsmMATotal : na, color=#0075ff, title= “RSI Moving Average”, linewidth = 2)

    // Plot Signals
    structureOB = ta.crossunder(rsiTotal, OBlvl)
    structureOS = ta.crossover(rsiTotal, OSlvl)
    plotshape(structureOB ? OBlvl : na, size = size.tiny, style = shape.circle, location = location.absolute, color = color.red, title = “Bearish Signal”)
    plotshape(structureOS ? OSlvl : na, size = size.tiny, style = shape.circle, location = location.absolute, color = color.green, title = “Bullish Signal”)

    // Plot High and Low lines
    hline(OBlvl, title = “Overbought Level”)
    hline(OSlvl, title = “Oversold Level”)

    // Gradient Fill
    midPlot = plot(50, color=rsiTotal>50?color.lime:color.red) //, color = na, editable = false, display = display.none)
    fill(rsiPlot, midPlot, 150, 50, top_color = color.new(color.lime, 0), bottom_color = color.new(color.lime, 100), title = “Overbought Gradient Fill”)
    fill(rsiPlot, midPlot, 50, -50, top_color = color.new(color.red, 100), bottom_color = color.new(color.red, 0), title = “Oversold Gradient Fill”)

    // Alerts
    alertcondition(structureOB, “Bearish Signal”, “Structure RSI is crossing under the Overbought level”)
    alertcondition(structureOS, “Bullish Signal”, “Structure RSI is crossing over the Oversold level”)

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