USD/JPY Stop not getting trigged

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support USD/JPY Stop not getting trigged

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  • #235208

    This algo only goes long


    Ha your’e too much of a gentleman Mr.Mjau … I’m watching a film while replying and I got my maths twisted … Set Stop pTrailing 95*pipsize (of 0.01) results in Stop pTrailing 0.95 (doh to me! 🙁  )

    On Forex, points are supposed to be multiplied by pipsize, so you should be using Set Stop pTrailing 9500 (unless your pipsize is different than mine of 0.01?)

    I think we all need to sleep on it and see if our brains come up with anything overnight??


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    Both PRT and IG showes the trailing stop, but both acting like its not there. see attachment

    Yes sleep may be the answer, will probably close the trade manually before close


    For starters, it looks like the Trailing Stop is being read as pTrailing 950?

    Secondly, unless the inbuilt Trailing Stop is activated then it does nothing.

    In your case for the Long, to activate … Price would need to have gone up by 950 points before the Trailing Stop starts to trail, first by a big jump – in this case – of 950 then by 1 point for every 1 point rise in price.

    Until activation, the PRT Traling Stop is invisible / does nothing at all.

    As always, I’m happy to be corrected in what I say … best way to learn! 😉


    You see open price 158.907 and that the stop is 157.957, and that is 95 points in forex land. Bold numbers is what counts.

    I trade alot manually and use trailing stops every day, but this is the first time I have used the built it one in a algo.

    If it have to move 95 points to activate it works very diffrently to the manual one, and this is not how it behaves in my backtest or what I saw last week. Most trades happen at night so not impossible it moved enough to active and I missed it.


    Do you have the trailing stop inside an If-block?

    I notice it can act werd then.

    Ther is some slippage on the contract to (50% for USD/JPY mini), maybe that is a factor.


    No its after everything after “endif”

    Yes slippage is 50%, but I was as far as 200% under my SL without position being sold

    Did report to IG, not expecting any answers but if I get one I post here.

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    The best way is open a ticket and report the issue to PRT. They will check carefully.

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