using indicator in 2 timeframes

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support using indicator in 2 timeframes

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by avatarhtw.
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  • #40756

    I intend to use a personal indicator “Trend” in two different timeframes (1 hour and 5 minutes). Both results (1 hour and 5 minutes) I will combine and use it in a trading system. I can’t find an instruction in probuildner to start my indicator in certain timeframe (1 hour and 5 minutes).


    Multi timeframe is only available in ProScreener, not ProBuilder or ProOrder 🙁


    Thank you very much for your quick answer. Then I must devellope a different “trend” indicator which youse the 1 hour late prices. It will be a lot of work. Thank you!

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