my general feeling with v11 so far is to just stay away from it
Mmm you may need to stay away for a long time? 🙁
V11 has been out / available for nearly 3 years, admittedly not with loads of users until 2021.
just feel a bit crappy about reposting some of these v11 bugs if they might have already been previously posted
Only way to be 100% sure bugs are presented to / read by PRT is to submit the PRT form below (I know you know this).
If PRT have resource available then I’m sure they look on this website for bugs to fix in PRT.
If PRT do not have resource available (it seems that way?) then bugs submitted via the form above will be used as a triage list?
If we don’t submit bugs via the PRT webform above then the bugs may never get fixed (as was the case with v10.3)??