V12 – Odd or Annoying Happenings!?
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- This topic has 115 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by
05/24/2024 at 12:48 PM #233005
but to me this looks perfectly normal
So, for you, it has always been that if you click the white + that you have never been able to see the full Results for that particular optimiser session (i.e. the session that the white + relates to? )?
If Yes, how do you get to see optimise results of runs prior to the current run that you just did (where full results would be open to view)?
05/24/2024 at 1:07 PM #233008I was already pretty sure that you can’t make clear an issue that you can’t show.
So the other way around (attempt) : If I have an optimiser run with 21 results in it, all 21 show. After a new run, the old 21 keep on showing and if I collapse the content of that run, only the top-most one shows (depends on the sorting). Open it again and all 21 are there again.
If this has changed since last week then I just don’t know about it yet.One thing (repeat) : I always rightclick. This may show different behaviour than normal click.
Otherwise : if you can make clear what I should do to copy the behaviour you see, it may be better understandable. Undoubtedly there’s something going on, right ?
05/24/2024 at 1:17 PM #233010make clear what I should do to copy the behaviour you see
Left click on white +.
05/24/2024 at 1:28 PM #23301505/24/2024 at 1:44 PM #233019No, right click does same as left click, results dissappear.
I’ve found a work-around, click the Gain column (or any clumn header) once or twice and Results come back again and the white +’s etc.
It’s almost like the odd stuff – I’ve not had for a long long time – due to low on RAM due to PRT hogging RAM etc.
It’s only been there for the last few days and, after checking, I noticed there was an update on 21 May 24!
06/10/2024 at 7:29 AM #233665Looks like another update was processed.
05 Jun 2024
Version : v12.0.20240518030015
(Still on v12.0 – 17.0.7)
I think previous being.
Version : v12.0.20240418030013
Apologies for the cross post, should have landed here first maybe.
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07/08/2024 at 8:45 AM #234917Well weird … optimised a new System yesterday (Sun 8 Jul 24) great results!
Quit with save on Exit.
Open the same System this morning (yes, yesterday’s version did save) … it’s like the data I optimised on yesterday is different than the data I backtest over today as results today (with no changes since yesterday’s saved version ) are rubbish!
08/10/2024 at 9:34 AM #236308Same thing happened today (10 Aug 24) as above … optimised yesterday, good results / good equity curve.
Open the same System today (Saturday) and equity curve is all negative / below the zero line.
The example in my last post was optimised on a Sunday with good results and on Monday shows bad results.
This time its the opposite, optimised Friday (while market was open) with good results and now on Saturday shows bad results.
I am starting to suspect weekend available data??
08/10/2024 at 12:22 PM #236314Further to above, System1 (good results yesterday but bad today) … I just duplicated System1 to System2 and optimised System2 with very good results today and then Quit with Save on Exit.
I logged back in to check System2 still showed very good results today after exit / login!
I am now leaving System1 and System2 untouched until Monday to see if System1 shows good results and System2 shows bad results (on Monday) … this would confirm that weekend data is to blame for the weirdness I am experiencing over the last 2 days!?
Any thoughts / comments welcome.
08/10/2024 at 4:56 PM #236315@Grahal Can you tell us more about this system? What do you use for entry/exit? Indicators, patterns…? Which time unit? The whole thing doesn’t sound very trustworthy. I still have the problem with the trades being counted twice.
08/12/2024 at 8:26 AM #236325Weirder and weirder!?
1. 1st screenshot is yesterday / Sun 11 Aug … the lower equity curve had been about £3K in profit on Fri 8 Aug.
2. 2nd screenshot is today / Mon 12 Aug … as you can see both curves are loads different from 11 Aug!!??
I Quit and logged back in again several times over the weekend and both curves showed the same equity curves / final profit value each time I logged in. This morning both curves are different, the top curve is wildy different.
Thoughts anyone??
08/14/2024 at 12:44 AM #236383I’ve noticed a bit of a reduction in noise on the PC here (silent PC) that’s triggered by data inflows, I thought it was maintenance related / data padding as mentioned by Peter elsewhere. Ivan also mentioned there’s been maintenance (demo), could be a knockon.
Are you all sorted now?
Big week last week too, wonder how workloads impacted and how much maintenance has been done and what specifically too.
I’ve noticed a sig. drop in ram req. on my end and not sure whether this is me ‘cleaning’ dirty code as I go, MS patches or PRT in the backend.
My BITS client went RS at one point (event log) and I think this was a driver too. I needed to:
have a look at the BITS queue on the device (Windows):
bitsadmin.exe /list /allusers
Clear the queue (if a backlog):
bitsadmin.exe /reset /allusers(mozilla a culprit for me)
Historically BitDefender has needed a reinstall and it was being overzealous, even with exclusions in place!
08/14/2024 at 11:42 AM #236390Are you all sorted now?
Thank you for asking.
A while back, I got ChapGPT to do me a strategy code; today I am a bit closer to working out how it works! 🙂
The code, at first glance, looks like it wouldn’t work at all, but it had been making money on Demo backtest for the past few weeks, hence my persevering with it!
I’m 98% sure it was this ‘weird GPT code’ which caused my problems (2 posts up) over the weekend that I posted about.
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08/14/2024 at 11:48 PM #23641008/16/2024 at 1:17 PM #236431Does anybody else get this weird and very frustrating anomaly happening to them …
- I optimise variables Set1.
2. From the results table, I select my preferred values / row, I enter the preferred values as fixed in the ‘Definition of Variables’ window.
3. I then select variables Set2 to optimise, I then clisk on Probacktest my system, but lo and behold … instead of variables Set2 optimising, variables Set1 optimises all over again (even though I entered values for Set 1 as fixed!).
I repeat the above process several times, but I cannot get out of the stupid loop that the optimiser / Definition of Variables window has locked itself into.
If above happens to you then you will instantly recognise what I am on about?
- I optimise variables Set1.