Vendor compare performance
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- This topic has 36 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by
09/14/2024 at 5:28 PM #237576As a vendor, we are seeking an independent party to conduct an objective evaluation of us and our competitors.
We propose creating a comparison curve for each vendor, where all their algorithms are aggregated into a single curve. During the evaluation, position sizing should be based on identical margin requirements, regardless of the index being analyzed.
The results should be broken down based on the total margin requirement to produce a percentage that allows for a fair comparison between vendors, irrespective of the number of algorithms each vendor uses.
Additionally, we offer our algorithms for free download and encourage other vendors to release their algorithms for backtesting, which would further promote transparency and fairness in the comparison.
All our algos at marketplace:
09/15/2024 at 11:18 AM #237582I think this is a good idea, but the problem is backtests is easy to manipulate. Some kind of forward/live test for x months would be needed to actually validate the results.
09/15/2024 at 11:21 AM #237583True.
But we have to start somewhere.
Lets say. 1 year backtest.
09/15/2024 at 11:37 AM #237584SweTrade would you be intressted to do the conpare?
Reach out to us at X or instagram and we can discuss more
09/15/2024 at 11:43 AM #237585Lets say. 1 year backtest.
Do you really mean 1 year Backtest or do you mean 1 years worth of Live / Forward Testing?
If Live / Forward Testing, how could it be proven / validated that results Vendors provide (for the comparison) would be from running / Forward Testing on Live data?
09/15/2024 at 1:32 PM #237588I think a backtest comparison is a waste of time since its so easy to manipulate. The thing that would actually be interesting is to get all the algos from different vendors, run them on demo accounts for, lets say 6-12 months, and then do the comparison.
09/15/2024 at 1:53 PM #237589I think a backtest comparison is a waste of time since its so easy to manipulate. The thing that would actually be interesting is to get all the algos from different vendors, run them on demo accounts for, lets say 6-12 months, and then do the comparison.
We welcome this an will contribute with our algos for free.
CFD, Mauro and the others. Are you in?09/15/2024 at 2:00 PM #237590I’ve had similar idea gurgling round my mind for a while … what we need is a single dedicated Account where Vendors run their Algos on Live data.
I’d settle for a Demo Account (? but Live Account be better) and since … (< 2 weeks ago) PRT increased the number of Algos that can be run concurrently … then all vendors as wish to be included in the ‘scheme’ could have their Algos running on this same single Demo Account?
Not sure how access would work, but if it could be made such that we only see results up to 24 hours in the past then that would preclude ‘piggy-backing’ onto current opened trades by Vendor Algos?
Maybe Nicolas has something similar in mind for his new upcoming website?
09/15/2024 at 2:22 PM #237591I like how u thinks GraHal.
Maybe u can setup a demo for this?
09/15/2024 at 2:27 PM #237592If each Vendors Algo titles start with the first 3 letters (or 4 letters if req’d?) of their trading name, e.g. PRO for ProfitAlgos, then it be an easy thing to filter by PRO using the standard available filters (Instrument, Period – week or month etc) on the PRT Platfrom.
Using standard filters as above, any of us at any stage could check how PRO are doing against any of the others Vendors. This would mean that no one person is loaded-up / tasked with doing a periodic comparison to show to the rest of us?
Oh, I’ve just thought of a problem! PRT Platform can only be accessed on 1 PC at a time so multiuser-access is nogo on a standard Platform Account.
Only way around above would be a user booking system … easy enough using a readily available Calendar App? At worst if it went wrong then it would just mean you suddenly get disconnected because another user is logging on.
09/15/2024 at 2:41 PM #237593Nicolas help us out here 😊
09/17/2024 at 8:24 AM #237676As of now, there isn’t a fully developed solution that integrates ProOrder with an external analysis tool. This feature is expected to be a part of the new ProRealCode website, which is anticipated to offer more comprehensive integration tools. However, until this feature is implemented, one of the only viable methods to track and compare algorithm performance externally is by manually exporting live trading data from the platform.
I’m also brainstorming a new tool coming for marketplace vendors, allowing them to generate a 48-hour license for users requesting a backtestable version of their algorithms. This would facilitate testing before purchase and offer more transparency. What do you think?
09/17/2024 at 9:26 AM #237683We are interested in a third-party solution where someone can receive and run all our algorithms on a demo account. Nicolas, Would it be possible to provide (Grahal) with a sponsored ProRealTime account?
As vendors, we will send our algorithm files to him. Grahal will then provide monthly performance reports on how our algorithms are performing.
Hopefully more vendors would do this?
09/17/2024 at 9:52 AM #237686Honoured though I am to be named, I cannot even keep up with monitoring my own Algo’s.
Also, I am in the middle of a house self-build so I am more short of time than normal.I will have to ‘bow-out’ of the proposed role as third-party, sorry.
09/17/2024 at 10:38 AM #237691I sat and thought about it … Nicolas proposal for a ’48 hour backtest license’ is a good idea!
The License would need to link to the actual file / same version Algo which is for sale on MarketPlace (i.e. not be linked to separate ‘backtest versions’).
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