VPA Indicator & Volume Spread Analysis

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support VPA Indicator & Volume Spread Analysis

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  • #242733

    Hello, I am new to ProrReal Time and assessing the functionalities.

    Is anybody familiar with the VPA indicator? I have been using on US market for ever and it is very powerful. I am not sure how complex it would to code it in ProRealTime?

    code from trading View here:

    VPA ANALYSIS by karthikmarar — Pine Script™ Editor

    Experiments in Technical Analysis

    I would love to meet coder and specialist of PRT as I am trying to get advice on what isdoable – my us database do not do European stocks so am trying to replicate lots of technical (and fundamental screening) indicators for EU markets

    best regards

    Frederic Batoua

    [Email address removed by moderators, please see yellow box at bottom of page just before the “submit” message button, highlighting main forum rules, thanks]




    code from trading View here:

    You will get a better response if you post / show the code on here, ideally using the blue ‘Insert PRT Code’ button at the far right of the toolbar (but often the ‘blue button’ does not show … try refreshing your screen a few times and / or clear your cache for this website).


    Attached (at yellow arrowhead) shows the button you need to post the code.


    tudy(“VPA ANALYSIS “, overlay=true)
    trind = input(title=”Trend Indication”, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    bkbg  = input(title=”Black Background”, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    plot50 = input(title=”Plot 50 MA”, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    plot200 = input(title=”Plot 200 MA”, type=input.bool, defval=false)
    plot(plot50? sma(close,50): na, color= color.blue, style = plot.style_line )
    plot(plot200? sma(close,200): na, color= color.red, style = plot.style_line )
    //===================== Basic Definitions =======================================
    volAvg = sma(volume,40)
    volMean = stdev(volAvg,30)
    volUpBand3 = volAvg + (3*volMean)
    volUpBand2 = volAvg + (2*volMean)
    volUpBand1 = volAvg + (1*volMean)
    volDnBand1 = volAvg -(1*volMean)
    volDnBand2 = volAvg – (2*volMean)
    H = high
    L = low
    V = volume
    C = close
    midprice = (H+L)/2
    spread = (H-L)
    avgSpread = sma(spread,40)
    AvgSpreadBar        =   spread > avgSpread// to be checked
    wideRangeBar = spread>(1.5*avgSpread)
    narrowRangeBar   = spread<(0.7*avgSpread)
    lowVolume = V<volume[1] and V<volume[2] and V <volAvg // mods
    upBar       = C>close[1]//C>Ref(C,-1)
    downBar     = C<close[1]//C<Ref(C,-1)
    highVolume  = V>volume[1] and volume[1]>volume[2]// Review
    closeFactor = C-L
    clsPosition = spread/closeFactor
    closePosition       = ((closeFactor == 0) ? (avgSpread) : (clsPosition))
    vb          = V > volAvg or V> volume[1]
    upClose     = C>=((spread*0.7)+L)// close is above 70% of the Bar
    downClose   = C<=((spread*0.3)+L)// close is below the 30% of the bar
    aboveClose  = C>((spread*0.5)+L)// close is between 50% and 70% of the bar
    belowClose  = C<((spread*0.5)+L)// close is between 50% and 30% of the bar
    midClose    = C>((spread*0.3)+L) and C<((spread*0.7)+L)// close is between 30% and 70% of the bar
    veryLowClose  = closePosition>4//close is below 25% of the bar
    veryHighClose = closePosition<1.35// Close is above 80% of the bar
    ClosePos = iff(C<=((spread*0.2)+L),1,iff(C<=((spread*0.4)+L),2,iff(C<=((spread*0.6)+L),3,iff(C<=((spread*0.8)+L),4,5))))
    //1 = downClose, 2 = belowClose, 3 = midClose, 4 = aboveClose, 6 = upClose
    volpos =   iff(V>(volAvg*2),1,iff(V>(volAvg*1.3),2,iff(V>volAvg,3,iff(V<volAvg and (V<volAvg*0.7) ,4,5))))
    //1 = veryhigh, 2 = High , 3 = AboveAverage, 4  = volAvg //LessthanAverage, 5 = lowVolume
    freshGndHi   = high == highest(high,5)?1:0
    freshGndLo   = low  == lowest(low,5)?1:0
    //                    Trend Analysis Module                                |
    psmin = input(2,”Short term Min periods”, input.integer, minval=1, maxval=9, step=1)
    psmax = input(8,”Short term Max Periods”, input.integer, minval=1, maxval=9, step=1)
    rshmin = (high – nz(low[psmin])) / (atr(psmin) * sqrt(psmin))
    rshmax = (high – nz(low[psmax])) / (atr(psmax) * sqrt(psmax))
    RWIHi  = max(rshmin,rshmax)
    rslmin = (nz(high[psmin]) – low) / (atr(psmin) * sqrt(psmin))
    rslmax = (nz(high[psmax]) – low) / (atr(psmax) * sqrt(psmax))
    RWILo  = max(rslmin,rslmax)
    k      = RWIHi-RWILo
    ground = RWIHi
    sky    = RWILo
    plmin=input(10,”Long Term Min Periods”,type=input.integer,minval=1,maxval=32,step=1)
    plmax=input(40,”Long term Max Periods”,type=input.integer,minval=1,maxval=64,step=1)
    rlhmin = (high – nz(low[plmin])) / (atr(plmin) * sqrt(plmin))
    rlhmax = (high – nz(low[plmax])) / (atr(plmax) * sqrt(plmax))
    RWILHi  = max(rlhmin,rlhmax)
    rllmin = (nz(high[plmin]) – low) / (atr(plmin) * sqrt(plmin))
    rllmax = (nz(high[plmax]) – low) / (atr(plmax) * sqrt(plmax))
    RWILLo  = max(rllmin,rllmax)
    j      = RWILHi-RWILLo
    j2     =RWILHi
    k2     =RWILLo
    ja     = crossover(j,1) // The following section check the diffeent condition of the RWi above and below zero
    jb     = crossover(1,j) // In oder to check which trend is doing what
    jc     = crossover(-1,j)
    jd     = crossover(j,-1)
    j2a    = crossover(j2,1)
    j2b    = crossover(1,j2)
    k2a    = crossover(k2,1)
    k2b    = crossover(1,k2)
    //Define the Major, Minor and Immediate trend Status
    upmajoron   = j > 1 and ja[1]
    upmajoroff  = j < 1 and jb[1]
    upminoron   = j2 > 1 and j2a[1]
    upminoroff  = j2 < 1 and j2b[1]
    dnmajoron   = j < -1 and jc[1]
    dnmajoroff  = j > -1 and jd[1]
    dnminoron   = k2 > 1 and k2a[1]
    dnminoroff  = k2 < 1 and k2b[1]
    upmid       = iff(ground > 1, 1,0)
    dnimd       = iff(sky > 1, 1, 0)
    upmajor     = iff(j>1,1,iff(j<(-1),-1,0))
    upminor     = iff(j2>1,1,-1)
    dnminor     = iff(k2>1,1,-1)
    plotshape(upmajor ==1 and trind == true , text=””,style=shape.triangledown, color= color.lime, location=location.top,transp=0, size= size.small)
    plotshape(upmajor == -1 and trind == true , text=””,style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red, location=location.top,transp=0, size = size.small)
    plotshape(upmajor != -1 and upmajor != 1 and trind == true , text=””,style=shape.triangledown, color=color.yellow, location=location.top,transp=0, size = size.small)
    plotshape(upmid ==1 and trind == true  , text=””,style=shape.circle, color= color.lime, location=location.top,transp=0,size = size.tiny)
    plotshape(upmid == -1 and trind == true , text=””,style=shape.circle, color= color.red, location=location.top,transp=0,size = size.tiny)
    plotshape(upmid != -1 and upmid !=1 and trind == true , text=””,style=shape.circle, color= color.yellow, location=location.top,transp=0,size = size.tiny)
    plotshape(upminor == 1 and trind == true , text=””,style=shape.square, color= color.lime, location=location.top,transp=0 )
    plotshape(upminor == -1 and trind == true , text=””,style=shape.square, color= color.red, location=location.top,transp=0)
    plotshape(upminor != 1 and upminor != -1 and trind == true , text=””,style=shape.square, color= color.yellow, location=location.top,transp=0)
    //                    Slope Calculation                                    |
    src = sma(close,5)
    //————–longterm trend—————
    lts      = linreg(src, 40, 0)
    ltsprev  = linreg(close[3], 40, 0)
    ltsslope = ((lts – ltsprev) / 3 )
    //————-Medium Term Trend————-
    mts      = linreg(src, 20, 0)
    mtsprev  = linreg(close[3], 20, 0)
    mtsslope = ((mts – mtsprev) / 3 )
    //————-short Term Trend————-
    sts      = linreg(src, 3, 0)
    stsprev  = linreg(close[1], 3, 0)
    stsslope = ((sts – stsprev) / 2 )
    tls      = stsslope
    //                    VSA SIGNAL GENERATION                                |
    upThrustBar  = wideRangeBar and downClose  and high > high[1] and upmid==1 //WRB and UHS in midterm trend
    nut          = wideRangeBar and downClose  and freshGndHi and highVolume   // NEW SIGNAL – Upthrust after new short up move
    bc           = wideRangeBar and aboveClose and volume == highest(volume,60) and upmajor==1 // Buying Climax
    upThrustBar1 = wideRangeBar and (ClosePos==1 or ClosePos==2) and upminor>0 and H>H[1]and (upmid>0 or upmajor>0) and volpos < 4 // after minor up trend
    upThrustBartrue = wideRangeBar and ClosePos==1 and upmajor>0 and H>H[1] and volpos < 4//occurs after a major uptrend
    upThrustCond1   = upThrustBar[1] and downBar and not narrowRangeBar // The Bar after Upthrust Bar- Confirms weakness
    upThrustCond2   = upThrustBar[1] and downBar and V>(volAvg*1.3) // The Bar after Upthrust Bar- Confirms weakness
    upThrustCond3   = upThrustBar and V>(volAvg*2) // Review
    topRevBar       = V[1]>volAvg  and upBar[1] and wideRangeBar[1] and downBar and downClose and wideRangeBar and upmajor>0 and H==highest(H,10)// Top Reversal bar
    PseudoUpThrust  = (upBar[1])and H>H[1] and V[1]>1.5*volAvg and downBar and downClose and not upThrustBar
    pseudoUtCond    = PseudoUpThrust[1] and downBar and downClose and not upThrustBar
    trendChange     = upBar[1] and H==highest(H,5) and downBar and (downClose or midClose) and V>volAvg and upmajor>0 and upmid>0 and not wideRangeBar and not PseudoUpThrust
    noDemandBarUt   = upBar and narrowRangeBar and lowVolume and (aboveClose or upClose) and ((upminor>=0 and upmid>=0) or (upminor<=0 and upminor>=0))//in a up market
    noDemandBarDt   = upBar and narrowRangeBar and lowVolume and (aboveClose or upClose) and (upminor<=0 or upmid<=0)// in a down or sidewayss market
    noSupplyBar     = downBar and narrowRangeBar and lowVolume  and midClose
    lowVolTest      = low == lowest(low,5) and upClose and lowVolume
    lowVolTest1     = low == lowest(low,5) and V<volAvg and L<L[1] and upClose and upminor>0 and upmajor>0
    lowVolTest2     = lowVolTest[1]  and upBar and upClose
    sellCond1       = (upThrustCond1 or upThrustCond2 or upThrustCond3)
    sellCond2       = sellCond1[1]==0
    sellCond        = sellCond1 and sellCond2
    strengthDown0   = upmajor<0 and volpos < 4 and downBar[1] and upBar and ClosePos>3 and upminor <0 and upmid <=0
    strengthDown    = volpos<4 and downBar[1] and upBar and ClosePos>3 and upmid<=00 and upminor<0                       // Strength after a down trend
    strengthDown1   = upmajor<0 and V>(volAvg*1.5) and downBar[1] and upBar and  ClosePos>3 and upmid<=00 and upminor<0
    strengthDown2   = upmid<=0 and V[1]<volAvg  and upBar and veryHighClose and volpos<4
    buyCond1        = strengthDown or strengthDown1
    buyCond         = upBar  and buyCond1[1]
    stopVolume      = L==lowest(L,5)  and (upClose or midClose) and V>1.5*volAvg and upmajor<0
    revUpThrust     = upBar and upClose and V>V[1] and V>volAvg and  wideRangeBar and downBar[1] and downClose[1] and upminor<0
    effortUp        =H>H[1]andL>L[1]andC>C[1]andC>=((H-L)*0.7+L)andspread>avgSpreadandvolpos<4
    effortUpfail    = effortUp[1] and (upThrustBar or upThrustCond1 or upThrustCond2 or upThrustCond3 or (downBar and AvgSpreadBar))
    effortDown      =H<H[1]andL<L[1]andC<C[1]andC<=((H-L)*0.25+L)andwideRangeBarandV>V[1]
    effortDownFail  = effortDown[1] and ((upBar and AvgSpreadBar) or revUpThrust or buyCond1)
    upflag          = (sellCond or buyCond or effortUp or effortUpfail or stopVolume or effortDown or effortDownFail or revUpThrust or noDemandBarDt or noDemandBarUt or noSupplyBar or lowVolTest or lowVolTest1 or lowVolTest2 or bc)
    bullBar         = (V>volAvg or V>V[1]) and C<=((spread*0.2)+L) and upBar and not upflag
    bearBar         = vb  and downClose and downBar and spread>avgSpread and not upflag
    //=============================== PLOT SHAPES SECTION============================
    UT1 = upThrustBar or upThrustBartrue
    UT2 = upThrustCond1 or upThrustCond2
    UT = UT1 or UT2
    alertcondition(upThrustBar, title=’Alert on UT1 an UT2 and UT’, message=’An Upthrust Bar. A sign of weakness. High Volume adds weakness.  A down bar after Upthrust adds weakness’)
    alertcondition(topRevBar   , title=’Alert on TRB’, message=’Top Reversal. Sign of Weakness.  ‘)
    alertcondition(trendChange  , title=’Alert on TCH’, message=’High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness.  ‘)
    alertcondition(PseudoUpThrustorpseudoUtCond  ,title=’Alert on PUT and PUC’,message=’Psuedo UpThrust.   A Sign of Weakness.A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness. ‘)
    alertcondition(noDemandBarUtornoDemandBarDt  ,title=’Alert on ND’,message=’No Demand in a Uptrend. A sign of Weakness. Otherwise upside unlikely soon ‘)
    alertcondition(noSupplyBar,title=’Alert on NS’,message=’No Supply. A sign of Strength.  ‘)
    lvt = lowVolTest or lowVolTest2
    alertcondition(lvt,title=’Alert on LVT’,message=’Test for supply.An upBar closing near High after a Test confirms strength.  ‘)
    EFD = effortDownFail
    ST1 = strengthDown0
    ST2 = strengthDown and not strengthDown2
    strcond = (strengthDown2 and not strengthDown0 and not strengthDown and not strengthDown1)? 1:0
    ST3 = strengthDown1
    ST4 = strengthDown2 and strcond
    ST5 = strengthDown2 and not strcond
    ST  = ST1 or ST2 or ST3 or ST4 or ST5
    plotshape(strengthDown1 and not EFD and not effortUp and not stopVolume, “ST3″, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.lime, transp=0, text=”ST1”, textcolor=color.green, editable=false, size=size.auto)
    alertcondition(ST,title=’Alert on ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4 and ST’,message=’Strength seen returning after a down trend.  ‘)
    alertcondition(stopVolume,title=’Alert on SV’,message=’Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing.  ‘)
    alertcondition(effortUp,title=’Alert on EU’,message=’Effort to Move up. Bullish Sign  ‘)
    alertcondition(effortUpfail,title=’Alert on EUF’,message=’Effort to Move up Failed. Bearish sign  ‘)
    alertcondition(effortDown,title=’Alert on ED’,message=’Effort to Move Down. Bearish Sign  ‘)
    alertcondition(effortDownFail,title=’Alert on EDF’,message=’Effort to Down Failed. Bullish sign  ‘)
    alertcondition(revUpThrust,title=’Alert on RUT’,message=’Reverse Up Thrust – Bullish   ‘)
    alertcondition(buyCond,title=’Alert on BYC’,message=’Strength Returns – Buy Condition exist   ‘)
    plotshape(buyCond and not ST and effortUp, “BYC2″, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.lime, transp=0, text=”EU\nBYC”, textcolor=color.green, editable=false, size=size.tiny)
    alertcondition(sellCond  ,title=’Alert on SEC’,message=’Weakness Returns – Sell Condition exist   ‘)
    alertcondition(bc  ,title=’Alert on BC’,message=’Buying Climax – End of Current Up Trend   ‘)
    //—————————–Bar coloring  Code————————————————-
    //Vlp=Param(“Volume lookback period”,150,20,300,10);
    Vrg=sma(volume,30)// average volume
    Vh=volume>volume[1] and volume[1]>volume[2]
    Vb1 = volume >Vrg or volume > volume[1]
    upbar = close > close[1]
    dnbar   =  close < close[1]
    CloseUp =  close > close[1]
    CloseDn =  close < close[1]
    VolUp   =  volume > volume[1]
    VolDn   =  volume < volume[1]
    bb1 = upbar and CloseUp and ucls and low > low[1]
    bb2 = upbar and VolUp
    bb3 = dnbar and CloseDn and VolDn
    bb4 = dnbar and CloseDn and close > close[1]
    db1 = dnbar and CloseDn and dcls
    db2 = dnbar and VolUp
    db3 = upbar and CloseDn and VolUp
    db4 = upbar and CloseDn and close<low[1] and dcls
    db5 = upbar and CloseUp and ucls and low<low[1]
    db6 = upbar and CloseUp and dcls
    bb=(bb1 or bb2 or bb3 or bb4)
    db=(db1 or db2 or db3 or db4 or db5 or db6)
    //neucolor = bkbg == true ? color.white : color.blue
    bgcolor(bkbg==true?color.black:color.white,transp=0,  editable=false)

    Do not double post. Ask your question only once and only in one forum. All double posts will be deleted anyway so posting the same question multiple times will just be wasting your own time and will not get you an answer any quicker. Double posting just creates confusion in the forums

    Use the correct forum. Since this is an indicator, the ProBuilder forium should be used.

    I move it. I also deleted the other topic in the French forum.

    Thanks 🙂



    many thanks  – sorry for inconvenience


    Here it is:


    Thanks a lot Ivan – amazing – only question do you know if it is possible to have a “cheat sheet ” to know the definition of the signal to know separately the symbol which corresponds to the definition?

    in TradingView they have below or above the symbol acronyms like EDF/SV but in my opinion no need as chart becomes too heavy – but just to know what symbol means what separately & one can keep it at hand?







    EDF – Effort to Move Down Failed: Widespread / above average spread Bar closing up on High volume or above average volume appearing after ‘Effort to move down” bar.
    This indicates that the Effort to move the pries down has failed. Bullish signal

    SV – Stopping Volume: A high volume medium to widespread Bar closing in the upper middle part in a down trend indicates that smart money is buying. This is an indication that the down trend is likely to end soon. Indicates strength



    Hi, Of course, you would have to add an extra line on each line. Here is an example:

    You will have to test the value to multiply by tr so that it looks good visually. I'll leave that up to you 🙂

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