VWAP intraday not working anymore in version 11

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support VWAP intraday not working anymore in version 11

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  • #109453

    The indicator VWAP intraday programmed by Nicholaus does not seem to function in V11.1   I think it is the intradaybarindex function that no longer functions normally in v11.1. Anybody else having problems with this function or the VWAP intraday indicator in V11.1?


    You are right, there is something not working. I think that there’s an issue with SUMMATION instruction.

    A quick test:

    We can see that while d is incrementing to make our dynamic period, the summation seems to not use it at all to make the sum of volume.. I will report it, you should do the same and refer this topic.

    In the meantime you can use the VWAP bands indicator which is a default one of the platform, that is working correctly.


    FYI, a fix for dynamic period for this specific instruction (SUMMATION) will be shortly deployed.


    It has been fixed today in the most recent version of PRT v11.1

    SUMMATIOn instruction now accept correctly period as a variable.


    Thank you so much for your help!

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