What are the DEFPARAMs for starting and closing the market per day?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support What are the DEFPARAMs for starting and closing the market per day?

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  • #161261

    What are the DEFPARAMs for starting and closing the market per day?
    How to leave the market at a fixed end time (Exit-Market) and return at a specified time (Return) from the market in a strategy using daysForbiddenEntry = OpenDayOfWeek = 6 OR OpenDayOfWeek = 0
    The idea is to start the market at 6:00 am and close at 9:00 pm and so on every working day (Monday to Friday).


    will make sure no trades are entered BEFORE that time, but the strategy is ALWAYS executed in all cases and conditions evaluated.

    will make sure no trades are left open AFTER that time, but the strategy is ALWAYS executed in all cases and conditions evaluated.




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