What does the error message “probacktest.error.parsing” mean ?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support What does the error message “probacktest.error.parsing” mean ?

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  • #157434

    I get this message when I use a code with lots of array variables inside a “for – to – next” loop. Multi timeframe or calling of indicators is not involved.

    When I leave all array variables away and replace them by normal variables, there is no error message and the code works. Any ideas what this might mean ? I need the arrays to add up several slightly different systems within one big system and to have a look at the resulting equity curve.


    P.S: The index of the array variables is the number of the for – to – next loop. So for example :

    Could this cause any problems ? But even when I replace [nn] in the arrays by [nn11], and say nn11 = nn inside the loop, I get the same error. Any underlying problems with arrays here ?



    Hi – The general consensus is that the server which runs the/your codes is not available. Your report makes me think different, though.

    I would still think it is not available, but in this case for you. And then because you make it choke.
    If you just had the error (you just crossed away the error message), then report via Help and what you see below in the attachment. Choose Other, select your instrument and just in case it is related, also provide a Network report (that is a choice in there).



    This error message is a not related to a specific issue, but rather general for errors that are not specific to a single and easily identifiable problem. The best way to deal with them is to send the report like the way PeterSt described it.

    So you are using this code in a strategy?


    This error message is a not related to a specific issue, but rather general for errors that are not specific to a single and easily identifiable problem. The best way to deal with them is to send the report like the way PeterSt described it.

    So you are using this code in a strategy?

    Yes, it is an attempt to sum up 100 slightly different strategies within one large strategy to see whether the resulting equity curve is smoothed this way. So, it is 100 times the same strategy, but with different parameters each time. Every single strategy has a number, which is the number of the For – to – next loop. All variables become array variables then (in the original, simple strategy, they are normal variables). So in each single strategy nn all variables become “$variable[nn]” instead of “variable”. And of course, I use cumulation of positions, because every single strategy acts on its own, independently of the others.

    If may be an interesting general question how equity curves can be smoothed (e.g, less drawdown) when several strategies with slighty different variable settings are run together. And this is what I am trying to write the code for.


    I found the reason for the error :

    Quoting @Nicolas from the old, long array thread :


    “IMPORTANT: arrays are not historized, they are decorrelated from the BARINDEX, it means that the arrays value from X bars ago is not saved in memory.”


    So, I cannot code “If $count[nn][1] = 1 then”, but I have to remember the value of $count[nn] of the last bar before in a different variable, and when I did this, the error message “probacktest.error.parsing” disappeared.


    It may be very good to get a manual for v11 where all these details for arrays and all the other new functionalities are summarized ! Right now, there are only manuals for v10.3 available, I fear.



    Indeed arrays are not historized. You can’t access what was the 37th column of the array 12 bars ago, if you have changed its value since.

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