Who sets the pipsize?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Who sets the pipsize?

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  • #162734

    Is the pipsize set by Prorealtime or the broker?

    The reason for asking is that the pipsize for Tesla is set at 0.01 when it should be 1. The downside to this is that you can not enter the correct spread in a back test since 1000 is the max allowable which would make Tesla’s spread only 10 which is too small.

    So where does ProRealTime pick this info from?





    I do not know for sure, but I think this can only be set by the broker.

    My guess is that ProRealTime cannot affect prices/quotes and whatever is related to them in a way other than the one set by the broker.



    ProRealTime is a trading software that plots the data transferred by a broker.

    You are right, the spread size is limited to 1000 points in backtest, and it can be too small for an instrument with a point size of 0.01. I’ll try to get useful infos about that and let you know.



    BTW, look at the attached picture, spread is 0.78 because 1 point = 0.01, then 0.78/0.01 = 78 points

    so you can set the right spread in ProBacktest: 78

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