Why publish an algorithm ?

Forums ProRealTime English forum General trading discussions Why publish an algorithm ?

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  • #233911

    If you genuinely have an algo that works why not just trade it? the is a real questions I am honestly confused about the concept.


    There are many who don’t have an algorithm that regularly earns money. It’s not that easy. Here, people help each other to create ideas for algorithms that could work. Existing, tested algorithms are offered for sale on the marketplace to give people the opportunity to play on the stock market.

    2 users thanked author for this post.

    If you genuinely have an algo that works why not just trade it? the is a real questions I am honestly confused about the concept.

    You are completely correct;
    I don’t see a reason to make my systems public (read : license them for money) because those systems will earn the money in another way. And “helping” someone while it still could lose his/her money is not my thing.

    I emphasized one word in the quote from your text …

    The context of the concept was (!) that people helped each other indeed. This is past history because the principles of the Market Place killed that concept (systems on the Market Place may even provide codes “stolen” from those aiding codes in the forum from ever back better times).  So IMHO the concept failed but also destroyed a mere cosy community.

    The subject has been passed before and this is not a complaint as such. But now you’ll understand your wondering better ?


    1 user thanked author for this post.

    I don’t think I will understand, personally I would never share my edge secrets or algos, its a sure way to kill the edge.

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