Why the backtest result is different with real trading?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Why the backtest result is different with real trading?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by avatarEric.
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  • #25754

    Hi all:

    I am a client of IG, recently I wrote my own strategy and backtest, then put on-line

    but today it shows sth. odd…

    For forex CAD/JPY today (20/FEB) it shouldn’t have any trade at 01:00 bar by backtest,

    but in real auto-trading it sells 1 contract @86.128, and finally get stoploss

    does any one know why? Is that an bug?

    I attach code here, DSTU_RSI is my own indicator:



    have you checked the spread at the time of the order?

    when using stop to open position its the bid and ask that do the job

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