Forums › ProRealTime forum Français › Support ProBuilder › ZONE GRISE AUTOUR DE LA SMA200
- This topic has 64 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by
09/29/2022 at 3:13 PM #20165209/29/2022 at 3:36 PM #201654
la ligne des 2% n’est pas coder
j’ai expliqué précédemment qu’il faut cliquer sur le graphique clique droit, ajouter un indicateur
et ajouter l’indicateur ligne horizontale et le mettre à 2
voilà, il n’existe pas de code
09/29/2022 at 3:36 PM #201655ok en itf ci joint ce sera mieux
09/29/2022 at 3:38 PM #201657J’ai fais ça :
CLOSE UP ZG1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435// CLOSE UP ZG 29.09.2022sma200 = average [200] (close)hh = average[200](high) + 5 * averagetruerange [200] (close)If close crosses over hh thencup = 1 // candlestick UPelsecup = 0endifIf close crosses under hh thencdw = 1 // candlestick DWelsecdw = 0endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////If close > hh thendrawcandle(open,high,low,close) coloured(30,144,255) //bordercolor (143,255,31)endifIf close < cup thendrawcandle(open,high,low,close) coloured(200,20,60) //bordercolor (200,20,60)endifIf close > hh thencolorbetween (close,hh,"green",150)endif//else//colorbetween (close,hh,"red",150)//endif/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Return hh as "hh" ,sma200 as "sma200" ,cup as " cup " coloured ("green") , cdw as " cdw " coloured ("red")////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
SCREENER CLOSE UP123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839// CLOSE UP ZG 29.09.2022// sma200 = average [200] (close)hh = average[200](high) + 5 * averagetruerange [200] (close)If close crosses over hh thencup = 1 // candlestick UPelsecup = 0endifIf close crosses under hh then//cdw = 1 // candlestick DWelse//cdw = 0endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////If close > hh then//drawcandle(open,high,low,close) coloured(30,144,255) //bordercolor (143,255,31)endifIf close < cup then//drawcandle(open,high,low,close) coloured(200,20,60) //bordercolor (200,20,60)endifIf close > hh then//colorbetween (close,hh,"green",150)endif//else//colorbetween (close,hh,"red",150)//endif///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Return hh as "hh" ,sma200 as "sma200" ,cup as " cup " coloured ("green") , cdw as " cdw " coloured ("red")c1 = close => hhSCREENER [ c1 ]resultat daily du screener : EDF, BIC
Je joins un graphe de Argan en weekly qui est pas mal
09/29/2022 at 3:38 PM #201659le code de la pente
sous réserve
pente sma200123456789101112Periode = 200 //Période de la MMnbChandelier = 20 // Nombre de chandeliers sur lesquels on évalue la penteMM = average[Periode](close)pente = (( MM-MM [ nbchandelier]) / MM[nbchandelier]) * 100RETURN pente as " pente " , 0 as " zero "09/29/2022 at 4:03 PM #20166009/29/2022 at 4:15 PM #20166209/29/2022 at 4:16 PM #201664Monster DW123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657// MONSTER DW 29.09.2022//defparam drawonlastbaronly = truec1=DonchianChannelUp[253]//270mm200=average[200](close)mm400=average[400](close)bandsup=average[200](close)+5*AverageTrueRange[200](close)//bandinf=average[200](close)-5*AverageTrueRange[200](close)nbChandelier=20// Nombre de chandeliers sur lesquels on évalue la pentepente=((MM200-MM200[nbchandelier])/MM200[nbchandelier])*100D=close>mm200 and close>mm400 and close >bandsup and pente>=2 and c1>=c1[1]if D then//DRAWPOINT(barindex, bandsup,2)coloured(255,255,0)endifif D[1] and (close<mm200 or close<mm400 or close <bandsup or pente<=2 or c1<c1[1]) then//DRAWPOINT(barindex,high,2)coloured(255,0,0)endifif IsLastBarUpdate thenif mm200 thenS200a = Average[200](close)ENDIFif close > S200a then//RS30a = 0 // 102//GS30a = 255 // 102//BS30a = 0 // 102elsif close < S200a then//RS30a = 255 // 0//GS30a = 0 // 128//BS30a = 0ENDIFif close crosses over mm200 then//DRAWARROWUP (barindex, mm200 -0.3 ) coloured(0,0,255)ENDIF//drawtext(" ----------- SMA 200",barindex,S200a,Dialog,Bold,10 ) coloured (RS30a,GS30a,BS30a)if mm400 thenS400a = Average[400](close)ENDIFif close > S400a then//RS30a = 0 // 102//GS30a = 255 // 102//BS30a = 0 // 102elsif close < S400a then//RS30a = 255 // 0//GS30a = 0 // 128//BS30a = 0ENDIFif close crosses over mm400 then//DRAWARROWUP (barindex, mm400 -0.3 ) coloured(0,0,255)ENDIF//drawtext(" ----------- SMA 400",barindex,S400a,Dialog,Bold,10 ) coloured (RS30a,GS30a,BS30a)endif// return c1 as "donchian sup",mm200 as "mm200",mm400 as "mm400",bandsup as "bandsup", bandinf as "bandinf" , close as "close"c1 = close crosses under bandsupSCREENER [c1]09/29/2022 at 4:17 PM #201665MONSTER UJP123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657// MONSTER UP 29.09.2022//defparam drawonlastbaronly = truec1=DonchianChannelUp[253]//270mm200=average[200](close)mm400=average[400](close)bandsup=average[200](close)+5*AverageTrueRange[200](close)//bandinf=average[200](close)-5*AverageTrueRange[200](close)nbChandelier=20// Nombre de chandeliers sur lesquels on évalue la pentepente=((MM200-MM200[nbchandelier])/MM200[nbchandelier])*100D=close>mm200 and close>mm400 and close >bandsup and pente>=2 and c1>=c1[1]if D then//DRAWPOINT(barindex, bandsup,2)coloured(255,255,0)endifif D[1] and (close<mm200 or close<mm400 or close <bandsup or pente<=2 or c1<c1[1]) then//DRAWPOINT(barindex,high,2)coloured(255,0,0)endifif IsLastBarUpdate thenif mm200 thenS200a = Average[200](close)ENDIFif close > S200a then//RS30a = 0 // 102//GS30a = 255 // 102//BS30a = 0 // 102elsif close < S200a then//RS30a = 255 // 0//GS30a = 0 // 128//BS30a = 0ENDIFif close crosses over mm200 then//DRAWARROWUP (barindex, mm200 -0.3 ) coloured(0,0,255)ENDIF//drawtext(" ----------- SMA 200",barindex,S200a,Dialog,Bold,10 ) coloured (RS30a,GS30a,BS30a)if mm400 thenS400a = Average[400](close)ENDIFif close > S400a then//RS30a = 0 // 102//GS30a = 255 // 102//BS30a = 0 // 102elsif close < S400a then//RS30a = 255 // 0//GS30a = 0 // 128//BS30a = 0ENDIFif close crosses over mm400 then//DRAWARROWUP (barindex, mm400 -0.3 ) coloured(0,0,255)ENDIF//drawtext(" ----------- SMA 400",barindex,S400a,Dialog,Bold,10 ) coloured (RS30a,GS30a,BS30a)endif// return c1 as "donchian sup",mm200 as "mm200",mm400 as "mm400",bandsup as "bandsup", bandinf as "bandinf" , close as "close"c1 = close crosses over bandsupSCREENER [c1]09/29/2022 at 4:22 PM #20166709/29/2022 at 4:40 PM #201669a 253 pour correspondance avec screener , car proscreener limite à 256 … de plus il donne de bons résultats
09/29/2022 at 5:01 PM #20167009/29/2022 at 5:31 PM #201672On peut rajouter cela pour avoir les candlesticks en deux couleurs :
add on123456789////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////If close > bandsup thendrawcandle(open,high,low,close) coloured(0,128,0) // coloured(30,144,255) //bordercolor (143,255,31)endifIf close < bandsup thendrawcandle(open,high,low,close) coloured(255,0,0) //coloured(200,20,60) //bordercolor (200,20,60)endif////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////09/29/2022 at 5:33 PM #20167409/29/2022 at 5:45 PM #201676hélas non pour prt version 11.1 (saxobanque) je suis toujours à 256
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